Calli Tastad | Glacier Peak HS Class of 2017 | Snohomish, WA

This week I thought I would relive all of my class of 2017 photo sessions and give an update as to what the #MPP_Seniors are gearing up to do this summer and into the fall.

Today I'd like you to meet Calli Tastad, class of 2017 Grad of Glacier Peak Highschool in Snohomish, WA.  If you follow me on social media and have visited the other pages of my website, you'll notice Calli is everywhere.  -Calli has been along for the MP Class of 2017 Senior Spokesmodel ride with me since February of 2016. 

I've known this girl since she was a baby and it's been so much fun watching her grow into the smart and beautiful young woman that she is today.  I’m going to miss her like CRAZY when this summer comes to a close.  Calli is what I like to call my unofficial niece. She's been such an excellent MP Spokesmodel for me and I've really enjoyed being able to spend so much time, especially over the last year.  It's been so much fun to see how much she has matured in her pictures from February to today.

Calli walked down the aisle towards her diploma on Monday, June 12th, 2017 alongside her BFF and fellow MP Senior Spokesmodel, Maddie Ellis. She'll be making the trek across our state to Washington State University (GO COUGS!).  Her dad must be so proud as that's his alma mater!  She's planning on studying environmental science and hoping to land a career in that industry.

Calli's favorite memory of HS was her Senior Prom because she felt everyone was super confident and were able to just be themselves.  It was also fun to just hang out with all of her best friends.  Now that school is out, she is busy planning a senior trip and is going to be a junior counselor at a high school leadership camp.  She also will be nannying. 

While she's excited for her college career to get going, she has expressed that she is going to really miss her family and friends.  

I asked Calli if she could give some advice to the Class of 2018 what would it be? Here is what she had to say,

" Go adventure around the area with friends because you never know who's going to be staying close or going far for college and you want to spend as much time with them as you can."   - Calli Tastad


Please help me wish Calli all the love and success on her next journey!

3 cheers for Calli - I love you and can't wait to see you do some amazing things in life!




Missy Connell