Caramel Apple Pie Martini Recipe

Caramel Apple Pie Martini Recipe

A Visual Branding Shoot for Holcomb Weddings & Events in Lake Tapps, WA

Happy Labor Day here in the U.S. of A!  I hope everyone was able to work a little less and play a little harder over the long holiday weekend.

Before I get to the yummiest martini recipe that will make your mouth water, I thought I would take a quick minute to remind us all what Labor Day actually means.  -To many of us, Labor Day weekend symbolizes the end of the summer and the start of the new school year for their kids.  It entails long weekend camping trips or backyard BBQs with your buds. But do you actually know why we celebrate this holiday?  

Design by Holcomb Weddings & Events, | Whiskey provided by Nightside Distillery | Florals by Paisley Petals | Photography by Missy Palacol Photography

This national holiday celebrates the achievements of the American worker as a result of the labor movement of the 19th century.  It wasn't until this morning when I read up a little more about the holiday, that I understood that during the 1800s, labor unions fought to free the American worker of 16-hour workdays under harmful work environments - thus establishing more rights for employees.  YEAAAAH!

According to the U.S. Dept of Labor, the first observance of Labor Day was actually recognized on a Tuesday! -Tuesday, September 5th, 1882.  An estimated 10,000 workers in New York City gathered together for a parade that was organized by the Central Labor Union to celebrate the "workingmen's holiday".  The Central Labor Union encouraged other labor organizations to do the same and eventually, the idea caught on throughout the majority of the US by 1894.  That same year, Congress passed an act in June to officially designate the first Monday in September as Labor Day giving everyone a nice long weekend. 

So to all my fellow Americans (and our Canadian neighbors to the north who also celebrate Labour Day), I raise a glass in recognition of all the hard work we put in.  And in doing so, I share this very delicious and All-American Caramel Apple Martini recipe brought to you by Holcomb Weddings & Events and Nightside Distillery

(P.S. This shoot was part of a fall visual branding shoot for Wedding Planner and Designer, Callie Holcomb of Holcomb Weddings & Events.  If you are small business or brand looking for help with your visual branding, let's connect!)



  1. Nightside Distillery Apple Pie Moonshine
  2. Apple cider
  3. Haagen-Dazs Dulce de Leche Caramel ice cream
  4. Ground cinnamon
  5. Graham cracker crumbles
  6. Ice


  • Martini shaker for mixing
  • Shot glass for measuring
  • Bowl for the graham cracker crumbles
  • Tablespoon for scooping the ice cream
  • Martini or similar glassware for serving


Step 1:  Add 1/2 cup of ice to a martini shaker

Step 2: Add 1 part Nightside Distillery Apple Pie Moonshine and 2 parts apple cider


Step 3: Add 1 tablespoon sized scoop of Haagen-Daz Dulce de Lechi caramel ice cream

Step 4: Add the lid to the martini shaker and give it a good shake


Step 5: Take a tablespoon of ice cream and coat the rim of your glass and then dip your glass rim side down into a blow of graham cracker crumbles


Step 6: Pour your drink contents from the martini shaker into your rimmed glassware


Step 7: Sprinkle with some cinnamon and serve while the drink it's still chilled

Design by Holcomb Weddings & Events, | Whiskey provided by Nightside Distillery | Florals by Paisley Petals | Photography by Missy Palacol Photography

Enjoy my friends!

xoxo, Missy

Missy Connell