Client Feature | Healthy Socialite

A visual branding session for fitness blogger, Healthy Socialite, in Bothell, WA

She's a little bit sass and a lot of badass.  

She's a loyal friend who feels like a long lost sister.

She inspires all of us to play with our food - seriously, she creates the brightest most colorful dishes that make you happy just looking at them. 

She is Carleeh Mullholland, Healthy Socialite.

See more from my visual branding shoot with Healthy Socialite by watching this video.

Today on this #womancrushwednesday, I'd like you to meet my friend and health and fitness blogger, Carleeh Mullholland of  I met Carleeh, back in February, but it feels like I have known the girl for years!  She's a busy mother of 3, but every time I talk to her she is always happy and enthusiastic about what's on her crazy matter how far or how much she has to drive around. No complaints from this strong chic.  

She was an instant believer in me and my work and I felt the same about her and what she stands for. You see, Carleeh is on a mission to end body shaming and empower women of all sizes to feel strong and love themselves more in the present. Her blog, and her Instagram account @healthysocialite, reaches out to thousands of women only and each day she provides her all female following with inspiration and true stories of what she is going through or is on her mind. She is relatable to the average gal like me that doesn't always have time work out every day or has moments of doubt in herself and I appreciate that.  - And yes, you heard me correctly when I said her IG followers are women only!  She actually takes the time to carefully curate her IG follower list to make sure she is reaching out to an audience that will truly relate and engage with her and her authentic brand.  No faux followers, haters, or bots for her!

I met up with Carleeh for this visual branding shoot in July.  It was a beautiful summer night.  She brought her youngest daughter, her fellow fit friend, Moriah (IG @moriah_on_a_mission), and Moriah's daughter with her.  It was her way of killing two birds with one stone like a true mom on the go does; catching up with Moriah, all while working.  It was so nice for me to see Carleeh as the Mom in action, along with Carleeh the blogger/Iger doing her thang.  She balances both acts very well!

Our goal for the shoot was to create personalized stock imagery for her rebrand that she could use for her new website and social media channels.   There were hundreds of amazing locations we could have chosen, but we decided on a local high school.  -We wanted a setting that felt accessible to all and I think we achieved that!

Be sure to watch the highlight video of our session together (above) and when you have I highly recommend you take the time to connect with Carleeh on IG @healthysocialite - You'll immediately feel like you're connecting with an old friend.

xoxo, Missy

Missy Connell